After millione evenings with a beer and discussions, on a great occasion with a suitable guys (professional miller and students of aviation engineering) was produced the first fully molded DLG in Lithuania. The very first fully completed model with a large hope was given to one of the best glider pilot of Lithuania – Donatas Pampikas and escorted to the European F3K Championship in France. Expectation proved to be correct, Lithuanian Stream in Donatas hands took 7th place ….
Donatas flew with model which weight was 268 grams .Wing 127g, tail-set 12,5g and fuselage 37g.

Plane Setup
D-Box version – 266 grams
CG – 80.25 mm from the leading edge

Camber: from the wing center profile ( – ) Flaps goes up / ( + ) Flaps goes down
Speed : (-) 1 mm
Cruise : (+) 1.5 mm
Thermal: (+) 3 mm

Rudder Throw both left & right on All mods
+ – 10 mm

Elevator Throw Up / Down
Speed: 6.5 / 6.5 mm
Cruise: 6 / 5.5 mm
Thermal: 6 / 6.5 mm
Launch preset 7 / 12 mm

Flaps goes down 32 mm
Elevator goes down couple of mm

Elevator > Camber ( UP / Down )
Speed (+) 1 mm / 0 mm
Cruise : 0 mm / 0 mm
Thermal: (+) 3 mm / (-) 2 mm

Aileron Differentials ( from the exact position of the flaps) UP / Down
Speed: 14 / 14 mm
Cruise: 17 / 11 mm
Thermal 16 / 7 mm

Aileron > Rudd ( equal for left & right )
Speed : 2 mm
Cruise: 5 mm
Thermal: 1.5 mm

Ailerons are flat with wing profile. or (-) 1 mm like in speed mode
Elevator is up 1.5 mm

Left Slider ( optional)
Cruise (+) 1 mm
Thermal (+) 2.5 mm

Hope that helps

visu grazumu liemenai virsus tailsetai stream3 stream1 stream grazi5 grazi3 gera3 gera2 gera1 evoliucija 2 d47 cool bottums up angel and devil, good and evil. 16 8 7 1